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As you look back through the messages on this board you will find accusations, speculation and theories involving nearly every aspect of possible ways a human can disappear. (yes, there have been messages left about alien abduction…) Unfortunately, speculation doesn’t help, and in some cases has come dangerously close to slander. Messages have accused the university, the church, the Sheriff’s office, staff at St Johns, the mud, aliens and at times Joshua’s closest friends and family in our quest to "help". Now I see we are somehow even dragging my attempt to steer message board content into the conspiracy theory. Hmmm… It's time to do a little moderating or at least a reality check. The Contact Us methods give your information directly to Joshua’s family. If that information goes beyond the occasional condolence message, they will in turn share that information with law enforcement. It is not up to Joshua's family or law enforcement to share leads with you. It is however the role of responsible citizens to feed law enforcement with evidence and leads that will allow them to act without tipping off the criminal or destroying the crime scene and/or evidence. Remember that the person who did the crime is probably reading these messages also. Posting a message on this message board that actually contains a valid lead will only tip off the criminal(s). Posting other accusations without proof runs the risk of causing problems (slander) for Joshua’s friends and family who build and support this web site. This message board is NOT an open forum for you to speculate and accuse. It is a place for Joshua’s family to seek the support they need to resolve the case of their missing son. Before you press the submit key, ask yourself if the message you are posting serves this purpose! (soap box is now dismounted)

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