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All good points, Webmaster -- completely understood. I must say, though -- that so little has progressed with this case -- unless others know something we don't. It's beyond frustrating -- it's disheartening, disquieting -- and -- unacceptable. If we, as the public, cannot share ideas and communicate with each other, how will silence contribute to helping find Joshua? Clearly, someone knows what happened. I've often felt that a person or person(s) with potentially helpful information has/have been reading this board -- but are fearful to speak. I am hoping their fears will be put aside at some point in favor of doing the right thing. I also realize that a suspect may be reading this board. That person has to know something -- that people are still looking, watching, observing, pursuing, researching, investigating and asking questions. I have no agenda, my intent is not to slander, I belong to no organization except the doenetwork and I have only one goal for being here, and it's the same as yours. Silence kills hope

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