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We are trying to find out what happened to Joshua Guimond -- the authorities abandoned us long ago(thanks for nothing, guys & gals, way to do your job); and so, we will continue to walk this road ourselves. We're doing it for Josh, same as you would for someone you love. You've got the courage to do this, you've got GOD on your side. We are being VERY CAREFUL with all information. Myself and many others are forever grateful for your help. I always said, the PEOPLE will solve this case, because the authorities don't care. They are not going to mess with their own $$$ and power. We are seeking the truth, and we don't give a crap about anyone's money or anyone's power. We just need to find out what happened to Joshua. Please look into your soul and....think about truth and what it means to you, and to us....thank you!!!!

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