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a friend
me and Me To... Your comments show how little you know and how you need to learn to do some research before you speak or post. Actually, if you would take just a few minutes to actually view the web site, there is more information about the webmaster listed then what he probably cares to let you know about. I actually know the guy personally and he is exactly what he says he is... a volunteer... in the best sense of the word. If you don't believe me, a quick google search will show that he not only volunteers his time for a family he doesn't know by building this web site, he is an EMT with a local ambulance service and does training for EMTs, Fire Fighters, and Law Enforcement. I've seen him in action and judging by his response at a car accident, an anger management class is certainly not needed. If all this isn't enough, he has a full time job as a computer geek type :) (talking about stress :)). His past comments about speculation, preserving evidence and using less public methods for giving clues to people who can help are exactly correct. Even if one of us actually hits the speculation nail on the head, what good would it do here. It is going to take someone with enough info to go directly to the police to end this. In the mean time, what I can offer is this, support to my friend the webmaster for a job well done, and support for Joshua's family by offering hope and my sincere best wishes for a quick end to this nightmare.

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