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Jerry... You’re right, I don't feel they necessarily do either. They still remain, probably only because I haven't had to answer e-mails to my personal account because of them (yet). They are one of the reasons however that the login was added to the message board. My only thought about it is this, speculation is one thing, but when we start making accusations about specific people is another. Some feel that some discussion on the message board is helpful (bouncing ideas off each other and so on.) They may be right. I really do feel however, that in order to finally solve this mystery, it will require someone with that last piece of info to go to the proper authorities. What everyone needs to remember is that no one owes us (the general public who views this message board) anything. In reality, we need to turn this thought around. What WE owe Joshua, his family, and more importantly the proper officials is enough information that they can solve this case. Most of us don’t have the necessary info. But… I think someone does!

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