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The heat is on. It's time for the era of dishonesty and deceitfulness to come to an end. Why should INNOCENT PEOPLE have been made to SUFFER all these years --- just so that people posing as representatives of the Lord can do what they please with NO ACCOUNTABILITY TO ANYONE??? How can it be that so many people's lives have been so terribly affected -- and yet the perpetrators have felt free to live their lives in whatever manner they wish? I call that a blatant abuse of power, a treacherous misuse of the clerical collar, a horrid misrepresentation of what the church is, and a sad reminder to everyone that when people call Christians "hypocrites," they have every right to. SHAME ON EVERY SINGLE PERSON IN STEARNS COUNTY, THE CHURCH, MEDIA, BUSINESS, EDUCATION, LAW AND OTHERS WHO HAVE TURNED THEIR BACKS ON THIS OBVIOUS CRIMINAL BEHAVIOR. THE TIME HAS COME TO GET HONEST!!! OR YOU WILL BE CALLED OUT AS LIARS AND ENABLERS OF SEXUAL ABUSE AND HARRASSMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHERE IS YOUR CONSCIENCE????????

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