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" ... Jim Rothstein is one of the few detectives brave enough and determined enough to dig deeper into uncovering child sex rings, especially those which cater to ''higher ups'' meaning anyone with the means to buy what these criminals are selling. I learned about him when I was researching the Johnny Gosch case, and listened to him in an interview he gave with ''A Closer Look.'' It's been awhile but as I recall that was a very enlightening interview. ... ''Jim Rothstein shed light on the national problem of government protection of pedophiles in a 2002 radio interview. While he was a New York Police Detective, Jim ''investigated and was successful in gaining convictions of several notorious criminals dealing in child prostitution and kidnapping both locally and nationally.'' Jim says that that there are satanic links to child kidnappings but that ''law enforcement personnel often refuse to investigate'' these satanic links and ''they insist there is no such thing.'' ... According to Jim and many others: ''The evidence shows that child kidnapping may and probably does often have the cooperation of local and national police departments and the FBI. Further, Jim says that good cops who take on these cases find that they become victims themselves. They are harassed by higher ups within their department and even by other agents from around the country. Pressures are exerted on them to holdup or even halt their investigations. According to Jim, one of his most troubling cases was that of Willie Dunn. Dunn was a major supplier of children; he was involved in kidnapping and the buying and selling of children. Dunn was convicted and sentenced to prison but somebody within our government set him free. After being set free, Dunn continued kidnapping, buying and selling children across the country. He was prosecuted and convicted a number of times but Jim says, each time 'someone would let him out to continue his operations around the United States.'''"

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