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"She didn't tell her parents. But after Ed Vessel's son tried to commit suicide in 1978, allegations that the son had been abused by Eckroth surfaced, Ed Vessel said. Now 63, he said he immediately took his concerns to social workers and doctors, asking them to tell the Stearns County sheriff. He also said he talked to a retired abbot at the time and several years later went to the sheriff. He said his questions went unanswered." It begs the question, again and again: what is it, exactly, that causes the Stearns County Sheriff's Dept. to refrain from thoroughly investigating any involvement St. John's University might possibly have with the disappearance of Joshua Guimond ... what could it be...fear? money? cover ups? what????? Be careful, be brave, but don't give up, all who are searching for the truth

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