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This was written by "Tom" back in early April. "Who is the policeman who tried to enter the Abbey to search?Who is the(monk)who denied the police entry to the building?That does not sound good.Was a subpoena duces tecum exercised at the Southdown outfit in Canada?What are the Reker Murders?What is the Trident Foundation?Who is Bruce Wemmerling?Who is the attorney for the college?What is the name of the monks attorney? Has anyone compiled a list of all the attorneys involved including any prosecutors?Who is David E. Fredrickson?Has anyone examined any possible relationships between the attorneys and the monks?Who pays for the monks to live and eat?Identify the name of the law firm who represents the monks?What is the Southdown Institute?Has anyone spoken with an international attorney about a subpoena duces tecum for Southdown?Who is Carl Weschcke?Who is the judge who signed the order preventing the father from going onto the campus? Where did this judge go to law school? Thanks"

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