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To many, it must be frustrating that there is seemingly no progress in solving Josh's apparently mysterious disappearance. Though small comfort to those searching for answers, it's worth noting that until they come for him, there's no closure for the perpetrator, who wastes away day after day perpetually looking over his shoulder. Today's St. Cloud Times article "Rekers hope for clues in killings" offers some advice also relevant to Jacob and Josh. Some extracts: Rita and Fred Reker continue to press for answers. Their daughters, Mary and Susan, disappeared Sept. 2, 1974, and were found dead 26 days later in a quarry. ... "There have to be people in this area who know, and all we need is for that person to call," Rita Reker said. ... [Sheriff] Sanner encouraged anyone to call [320-255-1301 or 251-4240] with information they have about the case, even if they think their information isn't important. "Please call," he said. "Let us make the determination." Story: http://www.sctimes.com

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