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To Josh's dad: While it certainly should be considered that Josh could have been "marked, set up, then grabbed" and that "there had to be someone on the inside" this is not the typical scenario for the type of alleged crime that likely occurred. If true, there would have to be a straight criminal motive, and there's no evidence that Josh was involved with any criminal enterprise. However, if a sex offender is responsible for Josh's disappearance, the likely suspect would be a detail-oriented, obsessively tidy loner from the area who is very familiar with the campus, extremely comfortable there, with a legitimate reason to be out and about at midnight on weekends. He would be the last person to arouse any suspicion. He would confide in no one, admit to nothing, and his victim would be a target of opportunity who matches the preferred victim profile in his deviant fantasies – in the wrong place at the wrong time. The only person "on the inside" would be the perpetrator himself.

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